Revisions to COA Standards of Practice Reflect Bill 10

Approved revisions to COA’s Standards of Practice Reflect Bill 10

Warning: the following contains sensitive material that may be triggering and/or offensive to some. Reader discretion is advised.

The Government of Alberta’s Minister of Health has approved revisions to the COA’s Standards of Practice to align with the Health Professions (Protecting Women and Girls) Amendment Act, formerly Bill 10. The Act aims to protect the health and safety of women and girls by strengthening existing laws that ban female genital mutilation (FGM) across the province. Bill 10 requires all health profession regulatory colleges to implement appropriate standards of practice that address the procurement and/or performance of FGM. FGM involves the injury to or partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. 

Standard 8: Professional Boundaries of the COA’s Standards of Practice has been revised to incorporate the requirements of the Health Professions (Protecting Women and Girls) Amendment Act. Communications regarding these revisions were distributed to all COA registrants for elicitation of feedback for 30 days from January to February, 2023. The revisions were approved by Council in March 2023.

Quick Links:

COA’s Revised Standards of Practice

Health Professions Restricted Activity Regulation (also referenced in the Standards)

Bill 10 – The Health Professions (Protecting Women and Girls) Amendment Act