HPA Handbook
The Government of Alberta has developed a Health Professions Act Handbook to simplify and summarize the Act for the benefit of the public and regulated health professionals.
Key concepts explained in this handbook include:
- Health Professional Regulatory Colleges-page 6
- Registration as a Health Professional-page12
- College Registers-page 15
- Mandatory Registration-page 17
- Students-page 18
- Unregulated Health Providers-page 20
- Guidance and Oversight-page 22
- Restricted Activities-page 26
- Protection of Titles-page 28
- Access to Information and Confidentiality-page 33
- Practice Permits-page 36 & 37
- Continuing Competence Programs-page 38
- Practice Visits-page 41
- Incapacity-page 42
- Complaints-page 45
- Alternative Complaint Resolution
- Investigations-page 52
- Discipline Hearings-page 56
- Liability Insurance-page 58